Lifeline Minimum Service Standards Increase Effective December 1, 2018

December 1, 2018 – New Lifeline minimum service standards are in effect today, as stated in the FCC’s 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order. The Order (FCC 16-38) aimed to modernize Lifeline to support broadband and establish an automatic update to the Lifeline minimum service standard for mobile voice service through November 30, 2018.

Newly Effective Lifeline Minimum Service Standards

The new standards, effective December 1, 2018 are as follows:

  • Mobile broadband (data): 2 GB/month of 3G mobile technology
  • Mobile voice: 1,000 minutes per month
  • Fixed (home) broadband: 18/2 Mbps –*There is an exception if the service provider does not offer any generally available residential fixed broadband packages at the subscriber’s residence that meet this standard (in this case, the service provider can receive support for the highest-performing, fixed broadband residential offering of at least 4 Mbps/1Mbps)
  • Fixed (home) broadband: 1,000 GB of usage per month
  • Fixed (home) voice: No minimum service standard

How Will the Lifeline Minimum Service Standards Affect Lifeline Participants?

The increase in minimum standards for data has increased from 1GB/month to 2GB/month, while voice users see an increase in the minimum from 500 to 1,000 minutes. The doubling of these standards is a step towards the future for low income Americans who participate in the program. 

The 2016 Order, which initiated the gradual service standard increases, was created with the intent to phase-out voice-only subsidy in an effort to increase focus on providing broadband, on which Americans are becoming increasingly reliant.

2019 Lifeline Budget Determination

In addition to the changes in minimum service standards, the 2016 Lifeline Order adopted an initial budget of $2.25 billion for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2017. The Order stated that the budget amount would be indexed to inflation in accordance with the Consumer Price Index for all items from the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics in subsequent years.

In accordance with this formula for determination, the Wireline Competition Bureau announced via the July 2018 FCC Public Notice that “the indexed budget for federal universal service support for the Lifeline program for the calendar year beginning […] January 1, 2019, will be $2,327,114,250.”