Let’s not forget the profound influence and benefits of the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Programs. Listen to the stories of real individuals who have experienced the positive effects of Lifeline and ACP firsthand. These programs not only assist young people facing challenges but also alleviate the struggles of seniors. Lifeline and ACP continue to enhance lives every day!
“I think this is a great benefit for our country to provide!”
This Indianapolis resident shares their experience with Lifeline and ACP. Inflation and other economic stresses create a burden on many people. Lifeline and ACP have helped this resident stay on their feet and better participate in life.
“I couldn’t get in contact with my doctor during my pregnancy…”
As both an employee and customer of Assist Wireless, Paige Spencer understands the value of the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Programs firsthand. These programs have played a crucial role in helping her regain stability in her life. Paige recognizes the importance of having a phone in today’s world and is thrilled to be able to offer others the same support and assistance she received through these programs.
“[ACP] not only helped me, but other families stay afloat”
Jennifer talks about how the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) made an impact on her life, especially staying connected to her children’s school and teachers.
“It’s a blessing. I thank you people!”
Curt Hawkins, a military veteran, is thankful to his nation for providing this essential program for people like him. Curt is able to stay in contact with his family and even pay his bills with the phone he gained from the Lifeline and ACP programs.
“It’s not a hand-out, it’s a hand-up!”
As a Lifeline customer, Jean Lopez truly appreciates the importance of the Lifeline and ACP programs. In today’s world, where constant communication with loved ones, colleagues, and healthcare providers is essential, these programs offer invaluable support. For those who might otherwise have to prioritize between staying connected and meeting their basic needs, the Lifeline and ACP programs serve as a vital resource.
“Before I had the ACP, life was really tough without access to the internet”
Jeff was previously unhomed and talks about how finding ACP helped him find jobs and get his life back on track. He believes it is a powerful program to help people find and access the resources they need.
“This is a way to change people’s lives”
An ACP & Lifeline advocate and an outreach worker for the homeless, sober living, and transitional living communities, Jessie talks about how the ACP & Lifeline programs are integral to helping people access the resources they need to get back on their feet.
“One thing that really helped was the ACP… it was a blessing”
Ryan is a veteran on Medicaid with a family of five. He talks about how ACP enabled him to care for his family and access resources like doctors, employment opportunities, and staying in contact with loved ones.
“It’s very important for us to be able to provide unobstructed communications ability to our general public.”
Captain Vince Osorio from the Gardenia Police Department expresses gratitude to the ACP providers in the area for their contribution to public safety. In recognition of the importance of mobile and internet communication in emergency situations, the Gardenia Police Department hosted a Public Safety Day where Telecom and other ACP providers were invited to ensure that the public has access to critical communication networks.
“I was relieved and excited when I was approved.”
Indianapolis resident, Jonathan Murwin is very excited to have been approved for the Lifeline and ACP programs. Jonathan is looking forward to staying connected with his fellow classmates and being able to arrange job interviews.