2018 NaLA Annual Conference Presentations

About the 2018 NaLA Annual Conference Talks

The 2018 NaLA Annual Conference presentations are now available online for NaLA Members. Each conference day was comprised of both NaLA Talks and Panel Sessions, where attendees heard from over a dozen speakers and panelists who provided insight into compelling discussions topics, such as the National Verifier and recent FCC activity affecting Lifeline.

2018 NaLA Annual Conference Presentations:

Below is a list of all available content from the presenters of NaLA Talks. Click on the title of the NaLA Talk that you would like to view:

2018 Presentations

  •  David B. Dorwart Presents “NaLA in 2018”
  • Kim Lehrman and Maheen Cook Present “Introduction to Regulatory Committee (RAGAC) and General Counsel”
  • John Heitmann Presents “Lifeline in Washington: Capitol Hill and NPRM Update”
  • Kim Lehrman and Maheen Cook Present “CA LifeLine RAGAC Update”
  • Chuck Campbell Presents “Latest from USAC”
  • Jacob Solomon Presents “Lifeline: A Customer Perspective”

Thank you 2018 Attendees & Sponsors

Thank you to all of our attendees and sponsors who made this event a success. We have been honored by the stream of compliments that have been received since we returned from the conference. Soon, we will send a survey via email inviting attendees to provide feedback on the 2018 event.

Didn’t make it to the 2018 conference? Details on the 2019 NaLA Annual Conference will be released soon! The NaLA Annual Conference is a great opportunity to collaborate with and learn from Lifeline professionals. Due to the ever-changing nature of the industry, you don’t want to miss the chance to meet with Lifeline providers, vendors, suppliers, distributors and advocates to discuss the most relevant Lifeline topics!